Lucian Văcăroiu, Developer in Bucharest, Romania
Lucian is available for hire
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Lucian Văcăroiu

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Javascript Developer

Bucharest, Romania
Toptal Member Since
June 19, 2017

Lucian作为全栈开发人员和解决方案架构师拥有17年的专业经验. 他构建了针对大规模生产性能进行优化的web应用程序,并广泛使用PHP, JavaScript (including Node.js, Vue, and React), SQL, NoSQL database back ends, and many AWS technologies. 他的技能集包括高级主题,如无服务器架构和现代数据映射设计.


St. Jude Children's Research Hospital
Laravel, PHP, Vue, D3.js, OAuth 2, REST APIs, Docker, Kubernetes
Motoreco Parts
Serverless, Vue, Laravel, PHP, MySQL, Agile Project Management...
Toptal Client
Amazon Web Services (AWS), AWS CodePipeline, Amazon DynamoDB, AWS Lambda, React...




Preferred Environment

Docker, Neovim, Tmux

The most amazing...

...我通过Toptal建立了一个数据可视化平台,为St. Jude Children's Research Hospital.

Work Experience

Developer Lead

2020 - 2023
St. Jude Children's Research Hospital
  • 因开发VisComm和PeCan而获得美国癌症研究协会的认可(摘要1901于2022年4月,摘要3163于2023年), 创新的云平台加强儿童癌症研究和数据导航.
  • Engineered a robust web development foundation using Laravel, Livewire, and Docker with Lando, focusing on cross-team collaboration, enhanced productivity, and rapid onboarding processes.
  • Implemented a versatile multi-tenant authentication system using Auth0, integrating St. Jude SSO for seamless access across all Bioinformatics Department platforms, enhancing user experience and security.
  • Designed and developed a secure, 可扩展的JWT和OAuth API,用于在遗留系统和新应用程序之间进行无缝数据集成, facilitating efficient collaboration across all St. Jude Bioinformatics Department platforms.
Technologies: Laravel, PHP, Vue, D3.js, OAuth 2, REST APIs, Docker, Kubernetes

Engineering Manager | Software Architect Product | Manager

2019 - 2023
Motoreco Parts
  • Led a product team of two full-stack developers and a UI/UX designer, 有效地将利益相关者的目标与团队能力结合起来,开发满足公司需求的产品.
  • 为一家大型汽车零部件零售商设计并领导了可扩展的无服务器PHP和AWS解决方案. Automated all operations, including auto-scaling for online traffic, warehousing, supplier processing, and a GraphQL API back-end.
  • Crafted a comprehensive CI/CD pipeline integrating AWS services such as Lambda, API Gateway, Aurora, S3, Elasticache, and Elasticsearch, along with GitLab and Cypress for seamless automated testing.
技术:无服务器,Vue, Laravel, PHP, MySQL,敏捷项目管理,产品领导

Software Architect

2019 - 2019
Toptal Client
  • Designed the complete system architecture for a large-scale CMS, focusing on high availability and continuous integration/delivery.
  • 使用AWS Lambda和AWS DynamoDB设计AWS技术编排,实现健壮和可扩展的性能.
  • Researched dependencies and available open-source software packages in the React/Node.Js的生态系统,可以促进更快的交付,同时满足所有客户的需求.
技术:Amazon Web Services (AWS)、AWS CodePipeline、Amazon DynamoDB、AWS Lambda、React、Node.js

Senior Node.js Developer

2019 - 2019
  • 开发了一款严格遵守保密协议的产品,被财富500强上市公司积极用于数据科学和分析.
  • 在一个客户旗舰产品的前端成功识别并改进了架构和性能痛点.
  • Navigated and adapted to a very high-security development workflow.
Technologies: React, Node.js

Lead Node.js/React Developer

2018 - 2019
  • 基于AWS服务,利用React和Node等开源技术,构建了一个完整的端到端基于微服务的可扩展和高可用的前端和后端解决方案.js.
  • 开发了一个完整的CI/CD管道,包括多个AWS服务的复杂编排, including Lambda, API Gateway, DynamoDB, and Aurora, to build, test, and deploy several serverless APIs and client apps.
  • Designed and developed several serverless GraphQL APIs with Node.js, leveraging multiple AWS services, including Cognito, Lambda, API Gateway, DynamoDB, and Aurora to serve as a back end for multiple client apps.
  • 使用React/Redux/Sagas堆栈设计和开发了几个响应式PWA客户端应用程序, leveraging AWS Cognito for user authentication and authorization, including authorization and access to the aforementioned GraphQL APIs.
Technologies: Amazon Web Services (AWS), DevOps, GraphQL, AWS CodePipeline, Amazon Aurora, Amazon DynamoDB, AWS Lambda, Serverless, React, Node.js

Lead React Developer

2017 - 2017
ARTA Shipping
  • 开发React/Redux/Sagas渐进式web应用程序(PWA)解决方案,以支持客户的美术运输管理业务.
  • 重构和调整遗留UI以满足PWA的现代响应性和异步需求.
  • 对遗留Python代码进行逆向工程,以找出遗留API的端点体系结构和接口,并提供维护松散的文档.
Technologies: Python, Sagas, Redux, React

Lead React Developer

2017 - 2017
Moment Studios
  • 开发React/Redux/Sagas PWA解决方案,支持客户端具有类似instagram功能的移动应用. Requirements included consuming a pre-existing JWT-authentication-based REST API.
  • 构建一个独立的PWA解决方案,作为后台/管理接口,客户的员工将使用它来调节用户内容.
  • Got up to speed quickly, self-managed and kept the project on track with minimal project specifications.
Technologies: Firebase, Sagas, Redux, React

Freelance Consultant

2011 - 2017
  • Refined back-end code for Green Horse Games` MVP, a browser-based racing game, on the heels of their round A.
  • Implemented 2Parale Affiliate Network's long-term DevOps and SysOps strategies, as well as consulted on expanding their tech team and development efforts.
  • Architected and developed the first local/regional cashback platform.
  • Developed a PWA for analyzing the European used car market, 使用数学模型来估计各种车辆的公平价格和维护成本.
  • 为Mavenhut设计并开发了一个多活动跟踪系统,用于手机应用的Facebook广告用户获取和Facebook广告
  • 基于统计显著性的数学模型,为Affiliate Window Ltd的PPC和PPV广告活动创建并开发了基于web的a /B测试解决方案.
Technologies: Amazon Web Services (AWS), PowerMTA, MySQL, PHP, Ruby on Rails (RoR), Ruby, DevOps, AWS CodePipeline, Amazon Aurora, Amazon DynamoDB, AWS Lambda, Serverless, React, Node.js, Consulting, Leadership, Architecture


2009 - 2011
eRepublik Labs
  • Oversaw the overall staffing strategy as well as day-to-day technical operations, 包括管理一个大约30人的团队所需的支持性技术和财务基础设施.
  • Initiated and led the effort to architect and implement what were, at the time, bleeding-edge DevOps strategies when the term DevOps was relatively unknown.
  • Helped the company transition its flagship product, a browser-based MMO, into the modern age and support a fast-expanding user base, on the heels of their series A funding.
Technologies: IBM WebSphere, MySQL Clustering, DevOps, LAMP, Ruby on Rails (RoR), Ruby, CTO, Leadership

Client Testimonial (via Toptal)

"I have had the pleasure of working closely with Lucian since February 2020. He is an excellent team member, software engineer, and collaborator. Lucian is one of the most well-rounded, talented software engineers I have worked with, and he effortlessly understands the full concept of any project he is on. He is confident in his decisions and communicates his solutions well[,] but is also open to alternative solutions to accommodate the company and team. While on our team, 他是几个重要项目的唯一开发人员,总能开发出一流的产品. Lucian不仅是一位优秀的开发人员,也是一位热情、幽默、随和的同事. I would jump at the opportunity to work on a team with Lucian anytime." – Kirby Birch, Product Manager, St. Jude Children's Research Hospital

Client Testimonial

卢西安在紧迫的最后期限内勤奋工作,为一个大型软件项目提出了详细而可靠的技术方法. He is someone that I will certainly want to work with again in the future." – Toptal Delivery Manager

Client Testimonial (via Toptal)

“我们可以毫无疑问地说,凭借Lucian的专业知识和对前端和后端开发的深刻理解, 我们可以放心地专注于业务端,并相信他管理架构和开发. 我们从来没有觉得我们必须再三检查,他总是会积极主动地就如何解决一个特定的问题提出建议. We always considered him a full trusted member of our team. 他的专长的另一个证明是将他的经验应用到对双方都是新的事情上, developing serverless on AWS with all the moving parts that that entails." – Niklas Nåsén, co-founder

Client Testimonial

"Lucian is a great CTO with a strong entrepreneurial streak. 他是一个直言不讳的人,会告诉你事情是怎么回事,并且在需要的时候不怕冒险. A great person to have on any team and it was a privilege to work with him." – Alexis Bonte, CEO at eRepublik Labs Limited

Client Testimonial

“如果你的互联网公司陷入困境,或者你想让它更上一层楼,你就需要一个卢西恩. 他以结果为导向的思维方式是由出色的技术技能和在线销售经验完成的. He is the type of person that can solve the biggest problems that your company has. And you will realize this after the first conversation with him." – George Lemnaru, CEO of Green Horse Games


SQL, GraphQL, HTML, CSS, ECMAScript (ES6), ES7, SCSS, JavaScript, PHP, Gremlin, HTML5, CSS3, Solidity, Ruby, Python


Redux, Express.js, Laravel, Sails.js, Bootstrap, React Native, Ruby on Rails (RoR), OAuth 2


React, Node.js, jQuery, REST APIs, Vue, Flexbox, D3.js


Git, Terraform, Webpack, Lando, PhpStorm, PowerMTA, Tmux


REST, Continuous Integration (CI), DevOps, Management, Agile Project Management


Docker, Amazon Web Services (AWS), AWS Lambda, Amazon EC2, Blockchain, MacOS, LAMP, IBM WebSphere, Firebase, Kubernetes


MongoDB, MySQL, Amazon DynamoDB, NoSQL, Amazon Aurora, MySQL Clustering


Serverless, Data Architecture, Software Architecture, Sagas, Freelancing, Architecture, Software Design, AWS CodePipeline, Leadership, Software, CTO, Product Leadership, Consulting, Neovim

2003 - 2005

Completed Credits Towards a Master’s Degree in Business Adminstration

Hyperion University - Bucharest, Romania

Collaboration That Works

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